Jimmy Savile

In this blog I examine the similarities in the apparently charmed life led by Jimmy Savile which allowed him to abuse with impunity and another who led a similarly favoured existence, Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane mass murderer.

Like Jimmy Savile, it was only after Thomas Hamilton died that some of the facts about his charmed life came to light. I say some of the facts because the police force most closely involved with Thomas Hamilton during his life were tasked with investigating themselves when he died! LINK

Much of the investigation by others, such as investigative journalists was made difficult by the authorities who had allowed Thomas Hamilton to get away with murder in his lifetime wanting to cover their own deficiencies in dealing with him. The Lord Advocate, with the agreement of the Public Inquiry judge, tried to gag the press from reporting on events in Thomas Hamilton’s life and even tried to stop the press talking of this attempted gag. LINK

Thomas Hamilton, despite having been reported on many occasions for sexually inappropriate behaviour towards boys, and despite being known to all of the police forces in Central Scotland, was repeatedly granted a firearms licence despite police officers such as Paul Hughes strongly objecting to this. LINK

He was also allowed to form boys clubs which operated in school premises and when parents objected to this his story was believed by the authorities and won the approval of the Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Forsyth who said he should publicise his victory over the complainers.

Not all local authorities allowed Thomas Hamilton to go unchecked and in my hometown Dunfermline he was stopped by the Reporter, Alistair Kelly, which begs the question why other local authorities didn’t take a similar hard line with him? LINK The CEO of Central Region during most of Thomas Hamilton’s activities there, Douglas Sinclair, was not called to the inquiry by Lord Cullen.

I knew a schoolmaster, who when housemaster at Queen Victoria School, Dunblane, might have had Thomas Hamilton stopped before he did any harm, but he wasn’t believed or listened to, despite his pleas to Esther Rantzen and many others.

Did the title: “Sir” and the fact that Savile was a friend of royalty, heads of state and other powerful people cause ordinary people to have deference towards him, thus allowing him to act with impunity? And did he, like Thomas Hamilton, have the protection of well-placed members of the establishment that also contributed to him being allowed to go unchecked?


Or did Jimmy Savile, like Thomas Hamilton before him, enjoy a charmed life because of the privileges he obtained from the fraternal bias of his brethren in the criminal justice system? Most people, like Chris Mullin MP thought that this aspect would come under the microscope with a forensic examination. LINK

Mullin’s hope that freemasonry would be examined, like the expectation of others (such as William Burns a Scottish justice campaigner who made similar pleas to the press and the Inquiry) were not met. Because Lord Cullen did not examine the question of whether or not Thomas Hamilton was a freemason in any meaningful way. He saw one report by a police officer who had asked the Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Scotland to check on Thomas Hamilton in two lodges in Stirling and one in Garrowhill. The Masonic official said he didn’t find Thomas Hamilton to be a member of any of the three lodges he checked, adding that there are 660 lodges in Scotland.

Neither the interviewing officer nor the Grand Secretary had their statements tested at the Inquiry. So Lord Cullen’s conclusion in his final Report that he was “satisfied that he (TH)  was not a member of the masons” is baffling and at odds with his own notes to Glynis McKeand the Clerk to the Inquiry, to whom he refused to give sight of Hamilton’s correspondence and also told her that it contained nothing specifically about the “Brotherhoods”.

Lord Cullen further instructed the Clerk to tell those enquiring (about the failure of the Inquiry to examine freemasonry) that this “was not overlooked at the Inquiry”, but to keep her responses brief and “as general as possible”. Lord Cullen’s admission to the Clerk to the Inquiry is of course completely at odds with his own report. LINK

Other politicians like Alex Salmond avoided the taboo subject of freemasonry, but thought that common sense would see the charmed life of Thomas Hamilton investigated by a police force other than the one that was so closely associated with letting him “get away with it” for years. LINK

They were wrong too as Central Scotland Police were allowed to investigate their shortcomings in their dealings with their own informer! LINK

Please click on the link entitled “Sir Fixed it for Jim” on the drop-down menu at the head of this page to view a blog on the similarities between Jimmy Savile and Thomas Hamilton.

The recent decision by the Crown Office to conclude that Alexander Gartshore was the murderer of Moira Anderson is interesting and made more so by the fact that he had abused other children, but complaints had never got past his local police force where many members were Masons in the same lodge as Gartshore. LINK

This revelation resurfacing makes one wonder if in fact there is any credence in “the untouchables” claim made in the Sunday Mail in 2006, but rubbished then by the police. LINK

The editorial on the sidebar of this article rubbishes claims about Thomas Hamilton on the basis that his “life has been dissected since the Dunblane tragedy”. Not at the Dunblane Inquiry it wasn’t! Thomas Hamilton’s presence and influence at Queen Victoria School were ignored.

The age of Thomas Hamilton at the time of the disappearance of Moira Anderson however (5 years old) would mean that if he was a member of that particular paedophile ring it must have been at a much, much, later date.

As one reads the terms of the “Confession”, that a group of VIPs including judges, Tory MPs, and Thomas Hamilton operated a paedophile ring in East Central Scotland, the Magic Circle, Dunblane shootings, do have a familiar ring LINK.

This may have been because Alexander Keil, the man detailing the confession made to him by the dying paedophile Gallogley, wanted to make them interesting for a bigger payout from the newspapers, and in doing so embellished the genuine information that had been given to him by Gallogley with other stuff that he made up himself, based on oft repeated rumours of the Magic Circle/Dunblane affairs.

When one reads allegations of powerful people being able to do as they want and abuse children in state-run hospitals or schools it does sound ridiculous.

Tales of Rolls Royce cars arriving with chauffeurs to take boys to parties for sex orgies sound too far-fetched to believe.

Until one considers Jimmy Savile and in his case it now transpires that such tales wouldn’t even begin to tell the full story, which was even more extraordinary than one could ever imagine, and, in his lifetime was suppressed by the police, hospital authorities, and our national broadcaster. Now who would have believed that?

Victims abused by Thomas Hamilton went to police = nothing happened.

Victims abused by Jimmy Savile went to police = nothing happened.

Victims abused by Alexander Gartshore went to police = nothing happened.

Victims abused by Lord Greville Janner went to police = nothing happened.

Victims abused by Sir Cyril Smith went to police = nothing happened.

Then it later comes out that freemason police officers were friendly with the accused. Of course it could be coincidence, but it does make one wonder doesn’t it?

Freemason, Alexander Gartshore, was different from Thomas Hamilton, Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Greville Janner in one respect, he went to prison, Hamilton, Smith, Janner and Savile were, as Gallogley would have put it, ‘untouchable’.


The Sunday Mail report of Alexander Keil’s account of Gallogley’s confession that was so comprehensively rubbished by the police, though undoubtedly embellished by Keil for the purpose of sensationalising his “for-sale” exclusive story, seems more credible with each passing revelation.

The difficulty we have is separating horrific fact, from Keil’s cash-driven fiction.

We have known for some months now that the Crown Office have rubber stamped his revelations regarding Gartshore, and it now seems as if his accounts of a “top Tory MP and senior legal figure, now deceased” being caught in a compromising situation in an Edinburgh hotel with a 15-year old girl and attending sex parties in Perth, might not have been so far-fetched.

How so? Well the fact that most of our main national newspapers are now running with the story that Sir Nicholas “Nicky” Hardwick Fairbairn, QC, Tory M P for Perth and Kinross and former Solicitor General for Scotland was in fact a paedophile who attended sex orgies at the Elm Guest House!

Nicky does rather fit Keil’s bill doesn’t he? Suits you Sir? Or is there another who fits the bill?

Another 2006 claim by Keil which was rubbished at the time but might now bear more scrutiny was that Willie MacRae the lawyer and SNP activist who was found shot dead had threatened to reveal the identities of “the untouchables” of whom he had incriminating photographic evidence.

The person calling loudest for a public inquiry into the death of MacRae was Nicholas Fairbairn MP!  LINK

Now that we are aware of how deeply Fairbairn was involved in a paedophile group with his fellow Speculative Society colleague Robert Henderson, LINK was Nicky protesting too much? Making himself out to be a seeker of truth when he knew that the dark deeds of his untouchable colleagues would never see the light of day?

UPDATE, 1st December, 2014 The Scottish Sunday Express goes big on the theory that SNP activist Willie McRae was killed because he was about to expose a child abuse group known as “The Untouchables”. LINK

UPDATE, 16 April 2015, The Crown has decided that there will be no prosecution of Lord Janner for child abuse allegations as it would not be in the public interest. LINK

UPDATE 21 January 2016, most MSM running with leaks from Dame Janet Smith’s inquiry into Savile, which blames a “deferential culture” at the BBC. LINK

UPDATE 10 March 2016, as the 20th anniversary of the Dunblane Massacre approaches most mainstream media are simply revisiting old footage of the tragedy as it unfolded and interviewing survivors and relatives. None are asking the question: “How did Hamilton get away with it for years” or “Why didn’t the inquiry get an outside police force from England, Wales, Ireland, or Canada to investigate Hamilton’s apparently charmed life which allowed him to keep a gun licence when good cops repeatedly tried to stop him in this and other matters.

UPDATE 3rd April 2016 The Glasgow Sunday Herald publishes an article entitled: “Revealed: key evidence missing on mysterious death of SNP activist Willie McRae” LINK

This article will give ammunition to those who believe McRae was shot because he was about to reveal evidence of a VIP paedophile ring including Nicky Fairbairn et al.

I don’t think there is any real evidence for this and think that if he was murdered it is more likely that it was to shut him up about the UK’s supply of weapons grade plutonium to foreign governments, which the government denied at the time.

The thing is we simply don’t know and aren’t likely to find out when the police force that investigated <sic> his death didn’t take fingerprints from the gun which killed Willie….then lost it!

Update 08/01/2025

The ex-housemaster from Queen Victoria School referred to above is Glenn Harrison who gave evidence to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. Though Lady Smith sought to smear this courageous whistleblower in her report (he told me his 15 hours over 3 days of giving evidence was: “more like a gestapo interrogation. .. They chewed me to pieces”). Despite this Lady Smith couldn’t deny the fact that Thomas Hamilton had been considered for a job at the school and that pupils were abused there. LINK

Lady Smith didn’t think my evidence (2nd hand Harrison plus my own findings that HMC were asleep on the job) was worth mentioning but decided it wasn’t to be published and sent a copy to me with this on every page: “Document protected by General Restriction Order, not to be disclosed or published.”



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